Head Office, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7BE; Tel: 07936 250644
Our business hours are: Monday - Friday 9am-6pm; Saturdays 9am-3pm and Sundays 12-2pm.
Our insurance cover includes: Professional Indemnity & Commercial Legal Protection
"The eagle has landed Nicola, I have my money.Thank you for everything you've done, you've been absolutely amazing. I will recommend you to everyone. Xx"
(Mr Smith. Divorce Financial Settlement Final Order, 2024/2025.)
"I cannot speak highly enough of Nicky. Embarking on, what I can only describe as the most difficult chapter of my life, I can honestly say I have no idea how I would have got through it all without her unwavering support.
Her support with the overwhelming volumes of paperwork, her calming influence and experience when dealing with the seemingly endless barrage of negativity from my ex-partner and her solicitors made all the difference to ensuring I never lost sight of the end goal and never got completely consumed by my emotions. This ultimately ensured the right outcome for our children.
Whilst a low cost alternative to solicitors/barristers (options I simply could not afford), I dont think I could have wished for more support. When I look back, now the dust is beginning to settle on my separation, I believe that first enquiry call to Nicky was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Thank you so much Nicky."
(JF. 2024. Variation of CAO, Enforcement of CAO, Schedule 1 Children Act 1989, TOLATA '96 )
"Nicky was amazing and provided me with the best legal advice, support and guidance in my prolonged, stressful, and complex court cases. I highly recommend her!"
(Ms. A. Complex Family Court Matters, 2024)
"I think Nicola is wonderful, and I told her so!! Here's why……...I was working for a client in Ascot when I saw one of her Smart cars promoting her low cost legal services. I had been separated for a while, and needed to go ahead with divorce, and try and get a fair financial settlement. This was going to be a real challenge, due to a tricky agreement I had been persuaded to accept by my tricky ex, over 15 years earlier. Thanks to a great court judge, and all of Nicola's help, advice, guidance and preparation during family court proceedings, the Final Order was absolutely fantastic. I am really pleased that I found Nicola's Family Law Clinic, because it saved me an absolute fortune in potential solicitor's and barrister's legal fees.' "
(Mike. Divorce. Financials. 2024)
"Several years ago, I married a wonderful person, and we have an absolutely gorgeous child. As one might possibly expect, that as we are from very different backgrounds and cultures, our relationship underwent some very difficult times, and we had quite a few misunderstandings and ups and downs. Settling down together then became extremely difficult, accusations began to fly, and our relationship really suffered. We then separated, even though we still were in love with each other. Unfortunately, stuck in the middle of our relationship challenges was our child, who we both worship. I was desperate to have consistent contact with my child, and repair the relationship with my beautiful spouse. It was a living nightmare.
Thank goodness, when I discovered the Family Law Clinic, based in Ascot! I simply couldn't afford the ridiculous fees of solicitors and barristers, especially as my case was complex, involved a couple of jurisdictions, and dealing with it required real knowledge of a variety of laws, and expert attention to detail.
I am so pleased to say, that as a result of team work with Nicky, with her experience and skill, coupled with all parties involved in the case, we were able to avoid having a Fact Finding hearing, and have reached a brilliant outcome. I am more than pleased that our relationship is now healing, and I am on the way to having my child in my life on an equal footing with my spouse, and we can all look forward to a calm, loving and fruitful future in each other's lives. I highly recommend Nicky. She is committed, dedicated and focussed!"
(Mr S.M. Final Order, Children Arrangements, 2024)
" Trust me she is worth it!
Feeling low? lacking confidence? Look no further! In times like these you need a friend, a McKenzie friend. I was on a hunt for a solicitor in 2021 after spending over a year researching, from what I had heard and read of solicitors; I was certain I did not want/need one. I was looking for something different and I found her! If it wasn't for Nicky asking me to trust the process on our initial call, I would not have made the first move. I was at a point ready to give up, in tears, she reassured me and said it was going to be ok. The process was not going to be straightforward as I had an unresponsive ex.
Summing up Nicky, she is friendly, trustworthy, empathetic, professional, knowledgeable, factual, daring, bold, positive, responsive, proactive, fair and most of all she is a beautiful human being.
Nicky advised me through my divorce process on financial proceedings. Right from filing for divorce to checking my forms were filled correctly, I took her advice on top up of child maintainance (monthly periodic payments), settlement offers, position statements for court, Form A, ES2, Form E, chronology, and finally the consent order. Nicky also attended a court hearing with me and was a huge support through the hearing advising me what to say and how. She also suggested I could represent myself for future hearings.
Nicky has a personal and contentiousness approach one that I did not find in the many solicitors I met with. Her years of experience sparkle through, after using her services and help for over two years in my divorce process I would not recommend using solicitors. She made a daunting process seem easy, so much that I enjoyed learning the process. There is a lot I would not have understood without Nicky's help.
She also saved me from using a very Cheeky mediator who took my ex's details off me and said they will contact him to cross check what I have said. If it wasn't for Nicky's quick responsiveness, I would have been duped into spending a lot more money on mediation.
I now have a signed and approved consent order and awaiting my decree absolute to complete the process. I have never been happier. I will use Nicky's legal advice if needed in the future with no hesitation.
Thank you, Nicky, for everything you have done for me and my daughter. You are an amazing, natural & beautiful human being and I am truly grateful. You will make a difference because you are the change that we all need. I am in awe of this inspirational woman!"
(Ms. LA, Financial remedy proceedings, Divorce, Consent order 2021-2024).
" I have started my family court journey in 2021 after a divorce petition started , with my narcissist Ex husband , looked everywhere for support , associations , citizen bureau etc none could give me concrete support , my income is higher than the threshold to get legal aid and too low to afford solicitors fees which was quoted to £ 24,000. Until I found Nicky , who's been through it all with me , Divorce, Child customer , Non Molestation and occupational order and finally the Financial remedy which ended up in my favour all thanks for Nicky's support and Guidance.
The main thing was with Nicky it's not all about money, I wasn't only the client I felt that I had a friend that I could chat to , express how I feel freely without being judged or charged for each word (like what solicitors do).
Thank You Nicky for everything!"
(S.E.K. Divorce. Children. Occupation Order. Final Financial Remedy Order. 2024)
" In this case, I just want to say a massive thank you to you! That you helped and guided me through this not always plesent journey! Thank you Nicky once again for everything! ❤️ XXX
(Barbara. Divorce & Financial Remedy Proceedings. Consent Order. 2024)
" And so it was that I found myself staring down the barrel of a nasty divorce with our three daughters, all under 10, caught in the crossfire of a conflict they never wanted. I felt sick to my stomach and hopeless that I, their father, would not get to see them grow up as I had always expected. If ever there were a rabbit in the headlights, it was me and I felt totally lost.
A serendipitous event changed my prospects when family members spotted one of the Family Law Clinic vehicles and hastily jotted down the number. From the first video call to Nicky I knew I was in safe hands and that fate was not already sealed against me. I felt able to breathe again.
I will forever be in her debt for the training and confidence she has given me, bringing me back off the ropes with each passing round in court, ready to do battle each time. I cannot praise her enough for her services, the out of hours responses, the key knowledge and the document preparation that delivered me through this long, awful process.
I believe that there are hundred's more dads out there reading this who need coaching through hard times. I'm living proof that Nicky's method works and recommend her to you without hesitation.
Nicky, know that you've changed the lives of a caring father and his daughters too. We cannot thank you enough."
( Dave. Children Act proceedings, final order, 2023)."Awesome family Law Clinic Ltd. I just want to point out and say wow and thank you for the outstanding service and contribution I have experience by Nicola Matheson-Durrant. She has been extremely professional in my family court proceedings. The price was very very good. Wonderful in this day and age with inflation. She is knowledgeable and informative immensely and that is what I required. She's got strength and confidence and was a formidable force to be reckoned with in her work and effort she made in my court cases she took a course of action into effect. And the truth was prevailed, justice for mum. Thank you! NMD. One in 1 trillion. Absolute pleasure I found you."
( Mr G Smith.26/07/2023).
"I would just like to say thank you to Nikki for her advice, help on filling out forms and guiding me on the right track. In a hectic situation Nikki is calming and straight forward. I could not afford the thousands I would have needed to pay a solicitor however with the advice and help I was given and a boost in confidence I won my case. Thank you to Nikki and The Family Law Clinic. I would 100% recommend!
( Stuart Jenkings Divorce & Financial Remedy Proceedings, 2023)
"Hi Nicola, Can I just say this is the best advice I have received so far in all this time and with all the various people I have spoken to including solicitors! It is also the most in line with what I would like from a settlement. I can't thank you enough. This is also the most confident I have felt in a very long time about a potential settlement.....Many many thanks for your help, I am so relieved to have come across your website!"
(J. Divorce. Financial Remedy Proceedings. 2023).
"After being falsely accused by my ex of being aggressive towards my son and planning to kidnap him, i have asked help from Nicky who was very supportive and understanding ! She provided me with all details needed and prepared me to all interviews from Cafcas and social worker , we could finally show the real picture to them and the court , ended up with a perfect resolution and the court order was on my and my son’s favour . Thanks to family law clinic ltd ."
(S.EK. 2023 Children Proceedings, Final Order).
"I drove past one of Family Law Clinic's Smart cars near the end of 2021, and noted their number. I was going through an acrimonious separation, with a very difficult ex, who seemed dedicated to ruin me financially. During 2022, I had a couple of consultations with Nicky, and several email exchanges. Nicky recommended mediation, and provided me with the names of 3 family mediation services. Mediation with my ex seemed successful, and we came away with a summary of our agreement. However, my ex then decided to go back on some issues that had been agreed, which caused me more stress and anxiety, as there were bills to urgently be paid, and I didn't want our home to be repossessed by the bank, and our children to become homeless. With Nicky's advice and guidance, the disputes over our financials and children's living arrangements were resolved before the end of 2022, without having to go to family court, or incurring huge legal fees. I highly recommend Nicky"
( Mr T. Separation Financial Agreement. House sale. Children Arrangements.2022/2023.).
"Good morning, you wonderful human being,
I can't begin to tell you how much stress was lifted off my shoulders last night when I read those amended drafts. Never before have I been SO optimistic concerning this case. You have captured everything that needs to be said in a perfectly worded way. I'll never be able to repay you, but thank you is an excellent place to start. I have added the information in the highlighted fields, and these should be good to go! Only ....xx.... more days to go! I know ...xx... will be going in with her solicitor, so next week, I'd love to arrange a Zoom meeting with you for some training on best handling court. Have a blessed day ahead. And once more, thank you. You have been my miracle throughout this.
Best health,...."
(Mr C. Financial matters & children court proceedings, 2023).
"Early this year I was faced with having to respond to a divorce petition, and I also wanted to know how to obtain a financial settlement, as amicably as possible, and at an affordable cost. I looked online and discovered the Family Law Clinic. Having just had one consultation, I knew immediately that Nicky was the right person to help me, because of her affordable fees, her extensive knowledge, and her keen sense of tackling and resolving all of the issues involved. How to deal with my divorce was quickly resolved. Then, Nicky clearly explained all of the options open to me and steps to take to try and arrive at a financial settlement agreement. There was a little bit of back and forth with the ex and her solicitor, and so I issued financial remedy proceedings in the local family court. We received our Notice of First Appointment, and that certainly helped to motivate the other side, and to move the whole matter forwards for me. I am pleased to say a Consent Order (weighted in my favour) was agreed in advance of the First Hearing, and approved by the judge at the First Hearing.
Nicky was a very good coach, and she steered me very proficiently through all stages. Her help was invaluable, and I greatly appreciated all of the guidance I received. I highly recommend her! "
(B. Lewis. Divorce. Financial Remedy proceedings, Consent Order. 2022).
"I was recommended to use Nicky's services, following separation from my husband, and issuing divorce proceedings. After giving up a good career to be a full-time mum and devoted wife, supporting my husband in his career for many years, I was left struggling to find lucrative employment aswell as provide the children with the care they needed. The process to reach a satisfactory financial agreement is pretty bumpy and stressful, especially having to represent myself in court, when my husband had the full support of a team of solicitors and a barrister at each hearing. 'Nightmare' is a good definition of the whole process. Nevertheless, thanks to the guidance and help with all of the forms, procedures and negotiating support from Nicky all the way through, and her pre-hearing coaching, I achieved a consent order before the final hearing, very heavily weighted in my favour, even though I did have to make alot of compromises. I would highly recommend using Nicky's services. We not only achieved alot working together as a team through the process, but we are now also friends."
( Jo M. Divorce. Interim Spousal Maintenance. Financial Remedy proceedings, Consent Order. 2022)
"......I just wanted to say you have honestly been amazing. I can’t thank you enough for the help you have given me and I appreciate everything you have done to help me. Thanks, Josh."
(Financial Remedy Proceedings, negotiated settlement, Consent Order, 2022)
"I separated from the mother of my children over 3 years ago. Contact was weekly and went well until I started a new relationship. I was then told by their mother that I couldn’t see or speak to any of my children at all. I was devastated, and became really unhappy and depressed, and my life went into a downwards spiral. It was a nightmare having no contact at all. So, several months ago I found Nicky who runs the Family Law Clinic Ltd, I told her everything, and asked for her legal advice and help in getting to see my children again. Thank goodness for that. So, I made my application to the Family Court, which Nicky polished for me until it was perfect, and off it went to the court. Cafcass later got in touch and interviewed me over the phone, and I explained everything to them. Their Report and Recommendations really helped my case.
Before the first hearing, I was extremely nervous and anxious, and just couldn’t think straight. However, Nicky reassured, coached and prepared me, so that I would know what was important to focus on saying, and so I could anticipate what would happen in the court room, and the sorts of questions I would probably be asked by the judge. I was then far more relaxed and confident. Nicky came into the hearing to support me and take notes. It was just as Nicky had said - the judge was fantastic. He had read my application forms and Position Statement thoroughly, and really understood what was going on. I could see that he was determined that the children and I were going to be reunited, regardless of all of the 'allegations'. He managed the whole hearing so assertively, fairly and objectively.
The result of the first hearing was a final order which re-instated our usual arrangements, before it was stopped - weekly and weekend overnight contact, and, the judge refused to allow mother to uproot our children from their current schools. I cannot recommend Nicky highly enough. She is absolutely brilliant! I am so happy. I can now go back to being an absolutely brilliant Dad, after nearly a year of not having my children with me!"
(Luke. Children Arrangements final order. 2022)
"Nicola was very helpful. She provided guidance and kind support to me.
I would recommend her service.
Thanks again Nicola.
Kind regards, Julia"
(2022, Julia - Legal advice + Post Nuptial Agreement)
"⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Most professional, timely and friendly legal advice ever. Have been using the Clinic for years and can 100% recommend them. Thank you for your wonderful work and great manners.".
(2022. Jana Green, Entrepreneur)
"⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ ️I spoke to Nikki briefly via text message and she was unbelievably helpful when she has no reason to be. Amazing person. I would 100% recommend her services to anyone that needs them.".
(2021. James Oliver)
"The funds, in full, entered my Account today...... I would just like to say a
for all your assistance and sage advice over the last 15 Months or so of negotiations, it is greatly appreciated."
((K.B) (2021-2022. Variation of final financial order of divorce))
"I am very pleased that I discovered the Family Law Clinic Ltd and to have worked with Nicky. I did my very best to save my marriage, under the most difficult of circumstances, and it was a most challenging and upsetting time. Nicky helped both of us with resolving all of the legal issues, before, during and after our house move, which was followed by a separation and then divorce. Nicky helped with drafting our Financial Settlement Agreement, and with new [draft] Wills.
Once we were separated, Nicky helped me with the divorce application and through the whole process, which was quite tricky, as we had married in Italy, and obtaining all of the relevant certification and translations of documents took some time. In the meantime, Covid-19 hit us, and then someone close to me died unexpectedly, so life was very difficult indeed. Since Decree Absolute was granted, I have been emotionally and physically exhausted, and have taken a long time to recover from my awful marriage breakdown. However, had we have used a Solicitor, it is more than likely that it would have cost me four times more than Nicky's fees, so that is a positive! Nicky is reliable, thorough and consistent, and respects her clients. Therefore, I highly recommend the Family Law Clinic in Ascot".
(S.B. 2020-2022)
"After looking everywhere and contacting every single association and sollicitors firm i was unable to both get support (Legal Aid ) even after being a DA Victim , and afford a legal fees ( some estimated it over 10K).
I then found Nicky (Family Law Clinic) who has been the best thing that could happen to me , not only on the legal side but as well on mental and emotional support , we have managed to get lots done on low cost , she is always checking on me , giving me advice , and very experienced so she already knows what I’m going through and how to handle it .
I would absolutely recommend her to anyone struggling with any kind of family law issue : divorce, custody, etc. Thank you for being there for me."
( Sara. Divorce. Children. Domestic Violence. Financial remedy, 2021/2022)
"What a fantastic, invaluable and affordable service the Family Law Clinic is. Because of the Covid pandemic court hearings were carried out by video meetings which in itself was challenging, but Nicky was there be it by email, phone call or video call giving guidance when needed. I would highly recommend anyone going through the process of a court hearing to NOT do it alone but get the affordable expert help of Nicky at the Family Law Clinic."
PMC. Final hearing-Financial Remedy Proceedings. Children Act proceedings. 2021)
"You really have helped me massively , if it wasn’t for you I would of probably thrown the towel in, so thank you so so much. So where do I start …
Finding Nicky was like a breath of fresh of air , I had spent lots of money on solicitors and felt like I was going around in circles not actually getting anywhere and with a very big hole in my pocket! Nicky helped me through child care proceedings, with my claim through the Child Maintenance Service, and with my application for a lump sum to help house my daughters and to top up my monthly child maintenance. My evidence was very detailed and very strong, as I had kept a diary of everything that happened throughout my relationship with my ex. But, it was a complicated case. Nicky helped me explain everything clearly and in date order, to ensure that all of the facts were conveyed clearly. A direct access barrister drafted the money claim application form and particulars of claim. Eventually, months and months later, I was successful, and I now have a really good final court order.
I experienced some very low moments, worrying all the time, wanting to give up and walk away from all the stress. But, Nicky helped by motivating me and supporting me through the terrible moments, reassured me, and kept me determined and resilient.""
(HK, Children Act, 1989, Schedule 1 Children Act 1989, Money Claim, Trusts of Land & Appointment of Trustees Act. 2021)
"Have used Nicky on two occasions so far to provide guidance and advice during ongoing battles with ex-wife over sale of the FMH after she refused to comply with her Court Order. Nicky has always provided extremely useful and cost-effective advice, guidance and support, helping me along the way to achieving what was needed. Can unreservedly recommend her and have no hesitation in reverting back to her in the future when more legal assistance is required."
(2021 Michael, FMH Sale, ToE and Legal Charge Issues,)
“When I found myself suddenly fighting for access to see my three year old daughter I felt helpless. I paid an awful lot of money to get to a first court hearing with a solicitor. With little understanding of the process the solicitor charged me for every response to every question, whether by email or per minute of a phone call. I was quickly running out of money and at this point was not being allowed to see my daughter at all.
We saw Nicky’s family law car advertising and thought it was worth a chance getting in touch. I remember the first day sitting in her office trying to relay our whole experience so far and ask for help to see my daughter again. Nicky immediately put my mind at rest and made me feel confident that I would not only see my daughter again but get the regular access that I deserved.
6 months on we were back to court, this time with Nicky’s excellent guidance and I was able to see my daughter again with contact being increased over time.
A few years on my daughter asked for more time with us and so we returned to court, again with Nicky’s aide. Despite vicious and false allegations made by my ex, Nicky supported me throughout and again we left the court with the court order in our favour and the access that my daughter had requested, alternate weekends and shared holidays.
A few years on again and this time my daughter asked to move in with us. Again we had to return to court as her mother continued to make false allegations and deny my daughters wishes. With Nicky’s continued support and guidance we once again found ourselves with the court order that we had been hoping for and we now have a living with order in our favour. Exactly as my daughter had hoped for.
We have had a really rough ride throughout this ordeal, however with Nicky’s support and expert advise we now have my 14 year old daughter very happily living with us and her other siblings. Nicky has guided us through nearly 10 years of acrimony and has always been available for support, guidance and advice whenever we have needed it. A truly A class service.”
(2021 Lives-With Order, Luke)
"For many years the relationship I had with my ex was very strained, and she made up all sorts of untrue allegations about me. My first family court experience was awful. Then things went from bad to worse with my ex, when she got a new boyfriend, and then got a court order against me, and I was stopped from seeing my child.
I then heard about the Family Law Clinic. With Nicky’s advice, help and support I now have the dream court order, and will be able to be with my child to care for him, be able to be a proper dad, be there for him, to help him, and watch him grow up. I am so excited and happy that the court granted this order to me.
To all parents who are struggling with getting to see your kids, or you think they should live with you, it’s really worthwhile going through family court, even though there may be times when you feel depressed, angry, hopeless and frustrated.
And I will be 1 million percent recommending Nicky to anyone and everyone!"
(2021 Charles K, Children Act 1989, Final Order)
“My mother unexpectedly found herself going through an acrimonious divorce at the age of 75. As divorce proceedings began she found herself a “so called” reasonably priced solicitor. However, £5,000 later very little progress had been made and mum was fast running out of money. She had no option but to say goodbye to the solicitor and represent herself. Many unreasonable demands were being made by mum’s ex-husband’s solicitor and she felt out of her depth trying to represent herself without any legal knowledge.
At that point I did a Google search and found Nicky at The Family Law Clinic, and what a find she turned out to be. It transpired that mum had been badly advised by the solicitor that she had been using from the start. Also, Mum’s ex-husband’s solicitor constantly used bullying tactics, which mum found quite unsettling, Nicky drafted letters to the solicitor and thankfully due to Nicky’s wealth of knowledge of the legal system Mum soon felt confident that she was being represented by an experienced and knowledgeable professional.
Mum and I cannot thank Nicky enough for her help and support. Mum ended up with a very fair settlement, thanks to Nicky. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Nicky to anyone going through a divorce. Her advice was invaluable and Mum was so grateful to find someone who was able to advise her for a fraction of the price that a solicitor would charge.
Kindest xx ”
(Ruby and Maude, Divorce & Consent Order Bundle, 2021)
“Nicky reformatted our financial consent order (which had previously been returned by the courts 6 times due to us having no previous legal advice). This also included helping us to amend all the forms that go with the order. Nicky was efficient and communicative and her advice was invaluable and helped us to make changes which we hadn’t originally thought of. Nicky was patient in waiting for our decisions and even when she was in court one day, managed to email answers to queries!
We now have our consent order signed by the judge and decree absolute.
I can’t thank you enough Nicky!”
(The Madden Family, Divorce & Consent Order Bundle,2021)
So my story starts when my wife found a new partner in October 2020. My access to my three children started to become inconsistent and started to decrease. I wasn’t allowed any access over Christmas to my children as my wife moved my children away from their family home and their current school to move with her new partner. I was lost and so upset I didn’t know who to turn to I spoke to solicitors and was quoted thousands and not earning a huge wage I couldn’t afford those prices.
I began my conversations with Nicky just before Christmas with my phone call consultation starting after Boxing Day. Nicky on the phone gave me all the information that I needed and then proceeded in completing court forms. I paid for an hour call but it only lasted 30 minutes so Nicky used the remaining 30 minutes that were spare to help me complete my forms and fill in relevant paper work. Throughout the whole of the form completion Nicky was amazing, always on the other end of the phone to go through questions which I found tricky to complete. When I finally received my court forms Nicky was brilliant and reassured me everything would be ok
Then came the court hearing day, Nicky gave me the confidence and the skills needed to remain calm and collective while in the hearing.
The hearing went so well with a prohibited steps order being agreed so my children can’t be taken out of their family home to live elsewhere and removal of the children’s school being a joint decision.
The court also agreed to every weekend access to all of my children
Weeks down the line after the court hearing I am seeing my children every weekend and my children have started a new school in the local area.
If it wasn’t for Nicky then I don’t think I would see my kids again I can’t thank her enough for all of her hard effort she put in. She was a phone call away when I needed her assistance and everything else about her is just wonderful!!! I highly recommend Nicky to anyone out there who is being prevented the chance of seeing their children.
Nicky I thank you for everything you have done for me and my family, I will never forget it.
(Alex, Children Arrangement Order, 2021)
At a time in my life when I didn’t know what to do in terms of should I mediate, separate, divorce, and worried sick about the cost of legal advice, a friend recommended I talk to Nicky at The Family Law Clinic. When you are emotional, not necessarily thinking straight and probably heart broken, I needed advice simply to make the correct first step and Nicky helped me right from the start. I felt immediately reassured that the advice I was receiving was the right advice – not always so when speaking to friends and family – and I clung on to her advice for the rest of the journey. Mine was very straightforward and often I was told I was more than capable of completing the forms myself. However, it’s a stressful time and this wouldn’t have been the case. There were many occasions when the process would have been more frustrating or unnecessarily delayed by me not putting a dot in the right place or using the correct terminology. Nicky made it painless, explained everything in detail I could understand and made the process seem easy which I’m sure it wasn’t. My case is still on-going because, although the decree absolute was awarded far quicker than I could have imagined, the pandemic hit making it almost impossible to contact the courts or move the financial order along to completion. However, Nicky is always there to listen and support me and I know will be to the end. You can’t put a price on this reliable type of friendly reassurance and, even though a good solicitor might have provided the service, it would have been at a much higher cost and undoubtedly more stressful!
I think the best endorsement you can give a person is to use them again and recommend them to everyone. I wouldn’t hesitate to do both 😊
(Wendy E, Divorce & Consent Order Bundle, 2020)
'Well, where do I start? . . . .
I was strongly recommended Nicky by a friend. I was worried it would cost me a fortune but the packages on offer supported my financial situation.
I first approached Nicky in January 2020 to help me try to win custody of my daughter. The advice she gave me at our first meeting was absolutely amazing, she was so knowledgeable of the family courts law and the proceedings.
She made me feel very confident with my first paper application to the courts, she guided me through all the paperwork and legal terms.
We then moved on to a First hearing in March and I had Nicky by my side in the courts, she made me feel extremely confident with my application and supported me with the paperwork.
She kept me calm, composed, focused and confident having her by my side during the hearing.
Now let’s fast forward to July 2020 . . . .
I won full custody of my daughter.
Without Nicky’s guidance, support and her absolutely outstanding knowledge of the family courts I honestly do not think I would have won.
I honestly can not thank her enough for the support.
Please contact her before going to a expensive solicitor. Her knowledge is exactly the same at a fraction of the cost.
I am forever grateful to you and so is my daughter.'
(Stuart D. Living-With Order granted to Dad. 2020).
‘I was grateful for Nicky's support in my divorce, I always found her knowledgable and had looked after my interests professionally and diligently. I am happy to have chosen the Family Law Clinic to assist me and would recommend to anyone going through a divorce.
Kind Regards,
(Divorce, Financial Remedy Proceedings, London, 2020)
'I have had very urgent issues which needed to be dealt with very quickly and confidentially. I was very impressed with the amazing and prompt service I received.
It was my first time dealing with Nicky of Family Law Clinic and it will result in her representing me in all my cases, as I find her trustworthy, fast thinking and very responsive.
Thank you Nicky'
(Jana Green, Jana Green Coaching. 2020)
'Living in rural France and starting the divorce process was a daunting thought. Then I remembered that a friend in the UK had used the Family Law Clinic a few years previously and she had spoken very highly of them. So I got their details and sent them an email to see if they could help me. Nicky replied straight away and immediately reassured me that she could act for me and that I could divorce under UK law. She was incredibly supportive right from the outset and I knew straight away that I had made an excellent decision. Not only did I have Nicky’s support and extensive knowledge at hand, I was also saving an enormous amount of money by not using a solicitor.
I had heard lots of horror stories from friends in the same situation of solicitors charging extortionate amounts of money and taking forever to get things done. The process with Nicky was quite the opposite. She was proactive, motivated and extremely efficient. I have already recommended the Family Law Clinic to several friends who were unfortunate to be in the same position as I was and I will continue to do so. I really can’t recommend the services of Nicky highly enough. '
(Holton Family. Separation/Divorce/Consent Order. 2019/2020)
'Nicola helped me during children and financial Court proceedings. The advice she gave me on legal matters was crucial to achieve better outcomes for the children and I. Nicola´s guidance was invaluable in bringing me back to a psychologically strong position, where I dared take some necessary steps I would not have without her support. Nicola is very professional, efficient and superior to most of those expensive lawyers that I myself had bad experiences with and worse results, before meeting her.'
(Silvia C, London, Financial & Children Act proceedings 2019)
"When my husband suddenly left me after many years of marriage, I was advised to get a Solicitor quickly to make sure that I came away from my marriage with a fair share of the marital funds. I contacted a Solicitor and was told what I could expect to get in the divorce but was then asked to give a large sum of money to be held on account to start the ball rolling. To be honest, I was petrified and needed someone I could trust to look after my interests at this difficult time. I was recommended to contact Nicola Matheson-Durrant at the Family Law Clinic by a friend who understood that I did not need a Solicitor but someone who could give me legal advice and help.
From the moment I met Nicola, I felt at ease as she knew what she was talking about, gave me confidence that I was going to be ok and gave me sound advice on how to achieve the best possible outcome for myself and my children. She advised me on what help I could get from various agencies, how to piece together our financial pot and helped me to fill in all the legal forms to go in front of the courts. With her help I managed to secure an amicable financial split with my husband but I was always assured that if things weren’t going to go smoothly Nicola would look after my interests and help me to fight for what I was advised I was entitled to. Luckily, with Nicola’s advice and level head keeping me going I did manage an amicable settlement which I am sure would have been a very different story had I instructed a Solicitor.
I can highly recommend Nicola Matheson-Durrant as someone who will have your best interests at heart at a time when it is very difficult to see happier times ahead. I will always be grateful for Nicola for helping to secure enough to buy my own home and secure a good future for me and my children."
(The Drees family, Divorce & Financial Remedies/Deed of Separation & Consent Order, 2019)
"I was earlier this year hooked into a big legal firm who were costing me about 20k a month. They were very thorough but this just wasn’t working for me.
I was recommended to the Family Law Clinic and this was a life saver.
From the very start I felt I was in safe hands and Nicky’s approach is straight to the point. Concentrated. Just what I wasn’t getting elsewhere.
Of course there were concerns about hiring a Mackenzie friend instead of conventional lawyers but I could already see 90 per cent of the business is not about knowledge of the law but communication, common sense and not spinning out chargeable hours.
I could see this was respected in Court as it is common knowledge the house always wins when it comes to legal battles like this.
My case was a mess when it started and as about as complicated as you can get but I am so glad for Nicky’s help I can never really repay her.
This has to be the future. The system in the Uk has to be challenged and kept in check and this is one cottage industry that really deserves to flourish. May it become the norm."
(N Smith, Switzerland. Financial Remedy proceedings & Children Act proceedings, 2019)
“Despair, anxiety, darkness enveloped me. My darling sons’ access was denied me once again. I had a Court order in place but this didn’t seem to matter to his mother. Court was the only option. More fees, more stress, more darkness along the way. Solicitors fees were crippling and from using them before had proved of very little use. Then by complete chance, I happened upon a Smart (little) Car. Emblazoned on its side were the words www.familylawclinic.co.uk taking a chance I approached the occupants and briefly recounted my journey thus far in securing access to my son.
It was as though a shining star shone upon me. A new found optimism swirled inside my head. Could this be what I had been looking for? Caution reared its ugly head, but I pushed on. It was the BEST thing that I could have prayed for. The extremely approachable and friendly lady I spoke proved to be just that! Lady Nicola Matheson-Durrant – the brain behind the McKenzie Friend.
After a brief chat and with renewed vigour, I engaged her services. The cost, much lower than any solicitors I had used before. From that very moment Nicky, was on my case. Within a very short time, anxiety eased and results were forthcoming. The saying, ‘if it appears too good to be true, then it usually is’ crossed my mind. However, it was true and turned out to be truer than expected! The support, caring, understanding was such a relief, that I now felt real support behind me.
As the Court date approached, Nicky steadied my nerves, advised and cajoled me along, step by step. On arrival at Court my ex showed up with a Barrister. My balloon deflated instantly. My ex had brought in the ‘big guns’ were we out of our depth, I queried.
All said and done, the Case went ahead and Nicky proved to be not only my strength but also my champion. We walked from Court with more than we hoped for. More time with my son. A dressing down for my ex whereby she was put on notice and also had my costs held over her.
In summary, on a jet-black sky a small shining star shone down on me. Nicky, I have to save you were that star. Mere words cannot express the importance you played in our lives. Two days later, both my sons were re-connected and together joined in a family outing to the swimming pool. The joy and delight on their faces spoke a thousand words.
I bless they day, we found you – you took on the Barrister and the Barrister lost. All the false allegations made by my ex were seen to be exactly that FALSE. I cannot recommend highly enough to any potential clients just what an amazing service the Family Law Clinic provides. I dearly hope, my ex has learned her lesson, but in case she hasn’t and further down the lines, begins her games again, my first call is to Nicky, no ifs no buts, no nothing – Nicky you are a star, bless you.”
S Young (Children Act proceedings, 2019)
“I started the court process as a one man band having done my own research I had nothing to lose and everything to gain in the way of contact with my step daughter having raised her from birth, present throughout her whole life, right up until contact ceased. I was heartbroken and devastated, the only thing I knew I had to do was fight with all my might even if at times I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest, which at times did leave me feeling tired and stressed with the ever demanding paper work and emotions that came with.
I didn’t know there was another option but I knew i couldn’t afford an expensive solicitor, totally way out of my budget.
It was daunting at times representing myself in an such an unfamiliar territory, then one day desperately seeking help searching the infamous Google search engine I would scroll down and to my intrigue click on FAMILYLAWCLINIC and pick up the phone right away, at that moment I had NO idea I’d been sent an angel from above, who would restore my faith, help regain focus and strength, seeing out the entire lengthy court process with me.
In all honesty I don’t know what I would of done without Nicky, it was certainly a battle like no other, one I would do over again in heartbeat, an arduous battle made easier having Nicky by my side.
Nicky is every bit a professional, absolutely, categorically in her own right just superb at what she does....WORTH EVERY PENNY!
A Mckenzie friend yes by name but in my eyes notably a truly wonderful human being naturally born to help people in their times of trouble.
Nicky you are nothing short of amazing, you are every bit sincere, the support you gave me went a humongous way, feeling fortunate to have found you right when I did.
You were certainly my sustenance, the source of strength that kept me going when it all got a little too much.
I would undoubtedly recommend FAMILYLAWCLINIC as the go to in any family law crisis. You don’t need a solicitor...you need Nicky. She is the epitome of consistency and hard work, commitment and staying power.
I felt a never ending supply of pure compassion as if my problems were hers and we were in it together. Nicky is humble and modest and so I’ll have to say it for her...”She is The Bees Knees” and although I wasn’t successful in my quest, ultimately I can never take away the sheer diligence, care and attention that went into my case with the unequivocal intentions of getting my daughter back from Nicky.
Thank you N from the bottom of my heart, it was an unforgiving journey at times but you made it that much more forgiving having you by my side. Please never stop what your doing, you make the world of difference as you have to me and many others, we need more people in the world like you. Clearly you love what you do and it shows, a born natural, a gift from god and most all just a Wonderful person a true heart and such a kind human being ❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊”
(Blake, 2019)
"I first contacted the Family Law clinic half way though my court journey. I was stressed, confused and had no idea what to expect.
Nicky told me exactly what I needed to hear and gave me focus and support when I really needed it most. As a self representing person, Nicky gave me invaluable guidance which ultimately led to maintaining custody of my daughter and being able to relocate.
Nicky has a flexible approach, which fitted around me and the affordability of the sessions really lifted stress from a already stressful situation.
I am lucky to of found Nicky and will recommmend to anyone I know needing assistance in family law."
(Kirsty, Children Act proceedings, relocation, 2019)"For anyone wanting legal advice help or support, you must use family law clinic. Nicky helped me through my divorce and made a hard process easier. The help and guidance was invaluable and I wasn’t charged exuberant prices. Couldn’t have wished for better people to help me 😊😊😊😊 "
(Divorce and Financial Settlement. P. Hartness, 2019)"The Family Law Clinic really deliver results! When my ex refused to let me see my daughter for 6 months, I felt my world had ended and I couldn’t stop my tears. Then an old friend recommended Nicky to resolve the problem for me. It wasn’t long before I had a Court Order which guarantees me contact every week, long weekends and half of all holidays. Nicky was affordable, understanding, fair, hard working, reliable and friendly"
(Anthony J. FY2018/2019)
"I would highly recommend the Family Law Clinic. In what was a highly stressful time, I found Nicky’s services to be extremely valuable. Nicky was both warm and understanding, very knowledgeable and brought me a lot of reassurance throughout the court proceedings, helping secure the successful outcome I was after.
(J. Harris, . . . Children Act Final Hearing. August 2018)"I am so grateful to have found the Family Law Clinic Ltd, when I was going through my Divorce in 2014 when I had no one to turn to for help and could not afford a high street Solicitor, to take my ex-wife to court for Financial remedy. After mediation had broken down between myself and my ex-wife who was being very difficult and refusing to pay me my share of the F.M.H after our 17 yrs of marriage had broken down.
I then turned to the Internet searching for help on how to represent yourself at court. That's when I came across the website of Family Law Clinic Ltd. After reading what they do, I then booked an appointment with Nicola Matheson-Durrant. Upon meeting Nicola she made me feel so relax about my situation with her knowledge of the way Courts work and my Marital rights. Nicola also made me aware of the whole idea of representing myself in court (being a Litigant in Person) and having a MCKENZIE FRIEND to support me in court, which is one of the services she offers at the Family Law Clinic Ltd. From that point on I chose to represent myself in Court with the help of Nicola as my Mckenzie Friend.
Nicola, with her expertise, helped me with corresponding with my ex-wife's Solicitors and the Courts from filling out forms and preparing position statements and questions to my ex-wife who was being very difficult throughout the whole case till the end. But with Nicola's help I managed my own case and got the settlement I wanted and now I can move on with my life.
I am so grateful to have met Nicola when I did. I would highly recommend the Family Law Clinic Ltd to anyone who is going through any Family Matters and who can’t afford a high street Solicitor."
(Fabian Philip . . . Divorce, Financial Remedy Proceedings, Enforcement proceedings, 2018)
“......... I decided to contact the Family Law Clinic having seen one of their cars in my local area.
From my initial consultation through to my days at court, Nicola was an absolute shining star. She was professional throughout, helped and guided me through the entire process but most importantly, she treated me and made me feel like a real person and not just a client.
Although Family Law clinic are not solicitors and you have to do most of the work yourself in applying to court, writing statements and they cannot speak on your behalf in court. I got over and above with the access I wanted from the courts, despite my ex partner having both a solicitor and a barrister for a fraction of the cost.
I will never be able to recommend Nicola and the family law clinic enough. Any father who is thinking about fighting for access through the courts, please try the family law clinic, you DO NOT need expensive solicitors!"
(2018 James)
".........I am going to try and watch your show on Monday. I am sure you will come across brilliantly. You are a good communicator and have a really nice sense of humour coupled with the fact you come across in a nice way as very bright and a quick thinker! But to have all those qualities and be a good listener too is great. Also you have a way of being able to be honest with people and straight, but you do it with empathy...."
(Miss M, Berkshire, 2018)
“Hi Nicola,
Hope all is well.
I didn't get a chance to thank you for your assistance during my court case.
All is good now and I have access to my daughter.
Many thanks"
(Mr M, London, 2018)
"I found the services provided by the Family Law Clinic indispensable throughout my long divorce. From our initial mediation visit, to preparing me for court in relation to children’s act proceedings and financial settlement. Nicola was knowledgeable, supportive, understanding and very approachable. She is cheaper than solicitors and offers in my opinion the same quality advice and support required to present your case clearly, accurately and concisely. The services of a McKenzie friend and legal services should be highlighted as much as possible to educate the vast majority of people who face court alone or a very large bill from a solicitors firm. The Family Law Clinic are passionate about changing people perspective and understanding of family law matters and I cannot recommend them enough.
(Mrs H, Berkshire, 2017)
"I first contacted Family Law Clinic after previously attending court to gain alternate weekends with my daughter. The first time I went to court I used a solicitor and I paid a vast amount of money for his services, including pay per minute phone calls and fees for his time reading and writing letters. After three years of alternate weekends I felt it was time to increase my time with my daughter and Nicola, at Family Law Clinic was a very welcome alternative to a solicitor. Her knowledge, support and guidance surpassed my expectations, not to mention her affordability. Nicola supported me through face to face meetings, editing letters and statements for court and numerous phone conversations, as and when I needed them. The whole process was made simple with Nicola on my side and I achieved all I wanted to in court, and more.
Thank you Nicola,
Kind Regards"
Luke Hall (September 2016)
"Perhaps, like so many other people in the country, I tuned in one morning to a BBC One interview where Nicola Matheson-Durrant of the Family Law Clinic explained about her discovery of the errors in the Form E. I will always be grateful that I did so, for Nicola became more than a McKenzie Friend. She was a real friend to me in the final lap of a four-year acrimonious divorce battle. She helped me prepare for the Final Hearing over the course of the last two months (yes, it went all the way, because my husband would not settle). She advised me how to update my Financial documentation, and how to edit and structure my Open Offer, Case Summary, Skeleton Argument, Position Statement, Index to the Trial Bundle, Opening speech and Cross Examination Questions. She then helped me reduce the size of my proposed Trial Bundle from 4 lever arch files down to one! She coached me on presenting my case, took down the notes in Court and prompted me to ask the right questions, especially when I was in a haze. Having Nicola sitting next to me calmed me down, and I believe that I came across well and sincere to the Judge. I am pleased to say that the outcome of the hearing was exactly what I had asked the Judge to order, which for a self-representing person, was remarkable. I will say that Nicola was indeed a God-send."
(Dr F. Isaacs-Sodeye, 2016)